Save the coupon for a prescription transfer in the Kmart Circular. The coupon is for $10 off a new or transfered prescription. This is one of the few for new coupons most are for transfers only. It can also be used at CVS. Click HERE. The coupon is good for several weeks, so however many papers I buy - I keep all of the RX transfer coupons. You never know when it might come in handy.

In today's newspaper there is a Toys R Us insert. Did anyone notice the $3 off any detergent coupon?? What's so great about a ToysRus detergent coupon? It is a competitor store coupon that can be used at Publix and Wal-mart. Remember it is ALWAYS up to a managers discretion, depending on your local store, Publix may not consider ToysRus a competitor. WalMarts coupon policy states that they will take ALL competitor coupons. Don't try this without a copy of their policy HERE, if that doesn't work, call 1-800-Walmart while in line.