~Testimonials from recent workshops~
Thanks to all of you who have attended Time 2 $ave workshops. Your testimonials are awesome!! Keep sending us your savings and examples of your giving. Your hearts to give are such an inspiration, and will encourage those who have not yet attended a workshop the added benefit to saving is being able to give.
Let us know how you have been able to bless the lives of others through such an unlikely source,"couponing." You can be the hands and feet of Christ reaching out to a desperate nation.
~Time 2 $ave, and Time 2 Give!!!~
Email us your stories at time2save.hotmail.com
I wanted to tell you both how much I enjoyed your class. I think I had a preconceived notion that this would not be a "fun" class to attend. I stand corrected. :) You both had a wealth of knowledge, you engaged the crowd, and kept it upbeat and positive! I was amazed that two hours had passed by so quickly. Thank you again for the wonderful service you provide our community, especially during this tough economic climate.
Tori M.
received via email 8/16
I had my first transaction yesterday where they actually owed me money. At Walgreen’s I bought the Neosporin ($2.00 Activity Book coupon and $1.00 manufacturer coupon) and Baid Aids (50/1 coupon)and 2 of the Listerine Agent Blue (B1G1 coupon and $1.00 off coupon), total out of pocket was $6.57,and then I got RR’s for $4.00 on the Neosporin deal and $3.00 on the Listerine deal. I then turned around and bought 3 Huggies diaper wipes ($2.00 activity book coupon x3, 3- 50/1 coupons), 4 Velveeta cups ($1.00 Back to School book coupon, 2-B1G1 coupons), 1 3-pack Orbit gum at $2.00, 1 4-piece set of children’s squirt guns clearenced priced at $2.50, also got 2 free Sharpie Highlighter packs (2- 99/1 coupons)and 1 free Ecotrin (1- $2.25 coupons. I used a $3.00 off $15.00 money coupon then the $4.00 and $3.00 RR’s and then my manufacturer’s coupons then the Walgreen coupons and with that layout of coupons I had not problems and they owed me .14 cents, had to buy a sucker and give them .47 cents but what the heck. Ah the thrill of the deal…….GG
Thank you so much for all you do to keep us informed.
Just wanted to post another deal I did at lunch in case someone wants to try it……..I bought 2 boxes of the character band aids (used the $2.00 coupon in the activity book and 2- 50/1 manufacturer’s coupons) and bought 2 Listerine Cool Blue rinses (used B1G1 manufacturer’s coupon, 2 $1.00 manufacturer’s coupons and the $1.00 coupon out of the activity book) Total out of pocket was $5.27, would have been $4.27 but she took off the free one before running the $1.00 coupons so it would only take 1. I received a $4.00 RR and a $3.00 RR for this transaction……I then bought 4 Huggies Wipes (used the $2.00 coupon in the Back to School coupon book and 2- $1.50 off Huggies Diaper Product that I found on Coupons.Com, they work for the wipes). I bought 4 Soft Soap pumps at 2/$2.79 (used 4- 2.00 coupons) and I bought 2- 3 packs of the Orbit gum at 2/$4.00. I gave her my $4.00 RR and the $3.00 RR and my manufacturer’s coupons and when all was said and done I owed them .03 that’s right 3 cents and got a $1.00 RR to use the next time. This coupon stuff rocks……….
GG -
received via email 8/13/09
Just wanted to let you both know what a blessing you have been to so many people. Thank you ,Cennetta C.
received via email 7/27
************************************************************************************* Good morning!
Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your workshop at Sherwood this past weekend. You have gotten me absolutely on fire for couponing!!!
I've got my 5 meals (with ingredients) planned out, my "must-haves", and bought 2 copies of the Sunday paper (it's a start!)..
I'm starting by checking out Publix's B1G1 and matching them up w/ coupons from some of the sites you recommended. My kids are SO excited about the future "gift boxes" we're planning to give to the local pregnancy center, and an in-patient drug rehab center that a friend of ours runs (looking forward to your class on CVS and Walgreen's for that one!).
I talked to 3 people already that missed your class and had wanted to attend.
Can't wait to hear back from you!!! You have an absolutely wonderful - and needed - ministry! May God bless you and your families a thousand-fold!
Pat F.
received via email 7/27
************************************************************************************* Hi Ladies! Thank you so much for all of the info you shared last week at the coupon 101, 102 and 103 classes in Cleveland – I really learned a lot. I have done back to school shopping and regular grocery shopping – using your tips – I have saved over $200. This is very exciting for my family! The past couple of years we normally would have bought the minimum and the off brand things to get started for school – but this year they will be starting with enough supplies that are known and trusted brands for a fraction of what I have spent in the past for cheaper items. Also – the pantry and my two freezers are beginning to fill – and this is thrilling for everyone in my home.
Thank you again – the rest of the year is already looking much brighter now. I think we are going to be okay.
Tiffany F.
received via email 7/23/2009
************************************************************************************* Hi, Thank you so much for yesterday's workshop @ Omega Harvest Church.
I really enjoyed it & all the information you shared. I hope to be able put it all to use.
You are doing a great service for a lot of families by sharing your knowledge.
Amy M.
received via email 7/19
Our 1st receipt when we saved more than we spent-yeah!
David H.
received via email 7/16

Last week I found my 1st "find". My Publix had a display for Pepperidge Farm bread on sale for $2 per loaf. The vendor had placed a $1 off mfg coupon on it. I had target coupons for $.75 off for Pepperidge Farm bread. Before the $2 sale went off, I had bought a dozen loaves of bread for a quarter each! Thanks for teaching us how to do that!
I can't tell you how much I've saved already because I haven't taken time to add it up. But from my normal budget last week I had $20 leftover that I didn't need to spend!
Sharon D.
received via email 7/06/09
************************************************************************************* Hi Ladies,
I wanted to tell you again how much I enjoyed your Sunday PM workshop. I hope I can find a way to attend the first and third classes.
I've filled up my baseball card holders already and am anxious to get out and get more. I saw someone else from the class at Publix tonight, so your disciples are out and working!
I think you'd be proud of my trip. I bought a few items that weren't rock bottom, but that I really like anyway :)
Here's what I got for 21.53 incl. tax:
2 large coffee mate liquid creamers
4 boxes Kotex liners
1 Kraft and Shells meal
2 jars Claussen pickles (which are yummy--I'd never bought them before)
2 packages Hawaiian Sweet Rolls
28 pack Publix water
6 packs Athenos feta
1 Apple juice (penny item)
1 Pepperidge Farm Bread
So 21.53 OOP, 33.50 saved. This is the first time I tried to use a competitor coupon with a mfr. The cashier wasn't sure about it, but I swore I'd checked the policy and wasn't trying to do anything wrong.
Thanks again. I enjoyed meeting you both. Your personalities complement each other well and you make a good team!
Sharon M.
received via email 6/29/2009
Wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the couponing classes. They are really coming in handy. I am saving a bundle. Thanks again!
received 6/22 via email