I think we can all agree that living a frugal life is worth the trouble, but making sure your whole family full has fun along the way..... well, it requires some creative thinking. Never fear frugal families, we're here to help you out!
Today's "Frugal Family Fun" is all about
Movie Night! Whether it's a family affair, or a date night at home - movie night is a great way to break up the routine a little without spending $50 bucks at the theater. Here are some fun &
cheap ways to bring your family together for the big show:
(My boys having an Aladdin movie night)
1) Make it Official! Set a show time (just like at the theater) for your movie to start, and have everyone meet up in the living room or den at that time.
2) Set the stage. My kids loooove to make movie posters, movie tickets, and signs that read "This Way!!" or "Snacks", showtimes & more (see above signs on our entertainment center!). I let the boys tape them all over the house the day of - it makes the whole day more fun!
3) Cool Concessions!! Special snacks make a movie night feel extra special - so go a little overboard once in awhile! Bust out some of those super snack bargains you got from the drugstore/grocery. Pop popcorn and put it those cute popcorn holders (DollarSpot at Target or dollar stores). Pass out juiceboxes. Or just set out an array of goodies on the coffee table like a concession stand.
4) Get the Movie for FREE! Yep, you heard me right - free. There are several ways to get a movie for free, whether using free rental codes, free trials, or just swapping out with a friend for movies you haven't seen. Here's how to save BIG:
★Redbox or Blockbuster Express★
These $1 per night kiosks far undersell traditional movie stores. Best of all, you can find FREE codes for rentals every couple weeks!
Current Redbox Free Rental Codes: breakroom, dvdonme, dvdatwag (only at walgreens) & 2frz25n3(Good until 3/11)
Current Blockbuster Express Free Rental Codes: gt21a (good through 3/12), and gl9ra(good through 3/31)
Pick out movies online that are mailed to you, then mail them back and pick another. This is the service we currently use, and we love it - especially since we can even stream movies straight from the tv. Plans start cheap at just $8.99/month, but the best part about it?
FREE 2-Week TRIALl! Sign up HERE to get 2 weeks of movies for FREE!
★Blockbuster Total Access★
Pick out movies online that are mailed to you, then mail them back and pick another. You'll get 4 E-Coupons emailed to you each month for free in-store movie/game rentals (games = happy boys in my house). Also, 5 times a month you can exchange them in-store, for those gotta-have-it-now nights . Plans start at $11.99/month. Best part about this?
sign up HERE to try it out, use code
"freetrial0618m" and you'll get a month of family movie/game nights for FREE.
Our neighbors have only 1 child, and tend to buy him every new movie that comes out. This is great for us, since we can usually get the hottest titles just by asking to borrow or swap out movies for a night!

★Local Library★ Your local library probably has a better collection of free movies to borrow than you think - check them out, you might be surprised!
WARNING: Be SURE to return them by their due date! My library charges $2/day for late fees, and after paying $14 one time for a movie we kept forgetting, I learned my lesson...