The CVS Magic Coupon Machine is printing out $2/2 Bodywash coupons for EVERYONE. You can get as many as 1 a day, if you keep going back and scanning! But what's so great about these $2/2 store coupons? THE NIVEA DEAL! See full deal workup below:
Buy $15 of Nivea ~ Get $5 ECB Back (Limit 5x)
Buy (4) Nivea Bodywash $4.88 = $19.52
Use (4) $4/1 Coupons from 5/2 SS = $3.52
Use (1) $2/2 CVS Coupons from Scanner= $1.52 *See note below
Pay $1.52 ~ Get $5 ECB
(Makes it FREE + $3.48 Profit!)
* The reason I didn't use (2) Scanner coupons here, is because it would've put me owing a negative amount - and unless your CVS allowed you to add a couple filler items to soak up that extra, then the cashier will probably give you a look that says, "Well now. I owe you money? I don't think so."
Didn't get the $4 Nivea Coupons? Well, join my pity party!
Listen, because this Nivea deal is good through 5/29 - it would behoove you to order some of those Nivea coupons off of Ebay ! They have plenty of time to arrive, and your scanner coupons are good for a week from print date (Print Sat. - good till next Sat.)
- Thanks for the CRT info, IHeartCVS