Bi-Lo BOGO's August 26 - September 1
* Antioch farms chicken cordon bleu @ $5.99
* Carolina pride ham or turkey @ $3.49
* Plumrose premium bacon @ $4.99
* butterball smoked turkey sausage @ $3.49
* hillshire farms smoked sausage @ $3.49
* filippo berio extra virgin olive oil @ save $7.92
* fast fixin nuggets/tenders/fries/patties/popcorn @ $.699
* ball park franks @ $3.92 (At Publix, stop by the customer service desk for a hang-tag coupon:$3 Off wyb Ball Park Franks & Heinz!)
* steakum burgers @ $8.49
* butterball variety sandwich meat @ $3.29
* lloyd's chicken or pork bbq @ $6.99
* dixie ultra plates / napkins @ $2.65
* hefty plates / cups @ $2.73
* Dial/coast/tone bar soap; dial liquid @ $2.19
* Arrid invisible deodorant @ $2.99
* blistex fruit smoothies @ $3.92
* orville redenbacher's popcorn @ $3.99
Bi-Lo "10 for $10" Sale:(I'm leaving out the ones that are "Regular Price"- these are just sale items!)
* Fresh baked petite pams italiano loaf (Save 99¢ ea.)
* Topcare ibuprofen(Save 99¢ ea.)
* Coke 2 liters {limit 8} (save 59¢ ea.)
* Little Debbie snack cakes (Save 59¢ ea.)
* Puffs facial tissue {60 count} (Save 49¢ ea.)
* Tony's pizza(Save 25¢ ea.)
* Bluebell icecream (1/2 pint) (Save 25¢ ea.)
* Del monte fruit (Save 75¢ ea.)
* Nabisco go paks (Save 49¢ ea)
* Minute maid punch (Save 66¢ ea.)
* Dapple dandy pluot plums (Save $1.49 ea)
* red delicious apples (Save 69¢ ea.)
* del monte fruit naturals (Save 79¢ ea.)
* SH toastee tarts (Save 25¢ ea.)
* SH sugar {2 lb bag} (Save 29¢ ea.)
* Nesquik flavored milk singles. (Save 69¢ ea.)
* Smart Water / Vitamin Water (Save 49¢ ea.)
* barnum animal/teddy grahams/ritz bits carry packs (Save 47¢ ea.)
* SH softness facial tissue (Save 35¢ ea.)
* SH fruit snacks (Save 69¢ ea.)
* SH whipped topping (Save 56¢ ea.)
* Chi-chi's fajita/burrito tortilla (save 99¢ ea.)
* salmon fillets (4 oz) (Save $1.24 ea.)
* tastee choice cooked salad shrimp (Save 99¢ ea.)
* SH dips (save 50¢ ea.)
* SH boxed potatoes / small canned early peas (Save 15¢ ea.)
* SH quick grits (Save 13¢ ea.)
* SH graham cracker pie crusts (Save 58¢ ea.)
* SH ketchup/mustard (save 15¢ ea.)
* SH onion soup mix (Save 22¢ ea.)
* pounce cat treats / canine carry outs (Save 16¢ ea.)
* jumbo sweet onions (Save 29¢ ea.)
* crisp celery (Save 49¢ ea.)
* Gwaltney great dogs (Save 19¢ ea.)
* SH bologna [excludes beef] (Save 39¢ ea.)
* Eckrich lunch makers (Save 25¢ ea.)
* SH chopped ham (Save 50¢ ea.)
* Beacon Drive-In tea (Save 29¢ ea.)
* dessert shells(Save 79¢ ea.)
* king's hawaiian sweet rolls (Save 49¢ ea.)
* SH apple jelly (Save 17¢ ea.)
* lipton tea [1.5 liter] (Save 69¢ ea.)
* SH tea bags [24 count] (Save 57¢ ea.)
* Dawn(Save 59¢ ea.)
Post by: Jaime @
Chattanooga Cheapskate