Extended through Friday, November 28th.
A Thankful Thanksgiving
Thanks to all of you who have emailed us what you are thankful for today. We will continue to update all day and tomorrow as we receive your emails. Don't forget you could win a gift certificate for FREE couponing workshops. Click HERE for details.
"This year I'm thankful for a child who is about 80% potty-trained! Many of you know this has been our challenge this year. To now have only one child in diapers has cut my diaper bill tremendously and who wouldn't be thankful for that?!
On a serious note, I'm reminded of my favorite verse. It is from Isaiah 49:15 & 16 - 'I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.' How can the God of the heavens and earth remember me? I don't understand it. But being as real as I can, there are times that I struggle with the fear He has forgotten me...forgotten a promise...forgotten this problem...forgotten to love. But this verse brings it back home when I allow His perfect love to drive out my fears. Even going back to the first part of verse 15...'can a mother forget her nursing child?' I love this picture of God's love. While He is often referred to as a loving Father, Abba Father...in this verse He chooses to relate His love, tenderness and fondness of His children to that of a mother's love. Every mother and daughter out there knows the specialness of that bond. On this day of expressing our Thanks...I'm thankful I'm remembered...and loved."
On a serious note, I'm reminded of my favorite verse. It is from Isaiah 49:15 & 16 - 'I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.' How can the God of the heavens and earth remember me? I don't understand it. But being as real as I can, there are times that I struggle with the fear He has forgotten me...forgotten a promise...forgotten this problem...forgotten to love. But this verse brings it back home when I allow His perfect love to drive out my fears. Even going back to the first part of verse 15...'can a mother forget her nursing child?' I love this picture of God's love. While He is often referred to as a loving Father, Abba Father...in this verse He chooses to relate His love, tenderness and fondness of His children to that of a mother's love. Every mother and daughter out there knows the specialness of that bond. On this day of expressing our Thanks...I'm thankful I'm remembered...and loved."
Kelly T.(Time 2 $ave)
For those of you who have heard my testimony you'll understand my Thanksgiving Thankful list. For those of you who don't, I hope to one day be able to share with you. God spoke to me several years ago, that when he delivered me from the fire I would not smell like smoke. I had no idea then, how hot the fire was going to be or how long I would stay in it. Praise God that he has indeed delivered me out of the fire, and kept every promise he made despite a heart that did not want to trust. Even though the landscape of my life has changed dramatically and there are days when the wind blows so hard that sparks of fire try to nip at my feet, you have never changed.
Wow! I don't even know where to start except Thank You Jesus!! Thank you for my husband, my children, my extended family and my friends. I am thankful that we only have one mortgage instead of three! I am thankful for my husbands job and for your hand of protection on my family. Thank you for shaking the things and wants of this world off of me and allowing me to see your eternal blessings.
Thank you for being sustaining me and hiding me under your wing during the most difficult trials in my life. You alone God have healed my broken heart, and you alone have binded up wounds that I thought would never heal. For the first time in years the darkness has finally broken and I see a new dawn on the horizon. I am so unworthy of the blessings that you have poured out on me this year. I have kicked, screamed and pitched fits because I was afraid to trust you. I have cried rivers of tears, and begged you to level the dark valleys in my life because I thought it was too hard Thank you for not listening to my human "wisdom." You knew the blessings on the other side,and loved me enough to carry me through the darkness instead of delivering me from it. Thank you God, for taking me places I didn't think I was capable of going, for enduring hardships I thought were impossible, and for healing wounds I thought were uncurable. Kasey (Time 2 $ave)
"For those who grieve in Zion— to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor. Isaiah 61:3
This year, I am thankful for all the blessings God has heaped upon me. Most of all though, my family.
My husband Matthew, and my sweet wild boys. The new friends I've made this year, and the old friends who keep me grounded.I am thankful that Matt still has a job when so many are struggling with unemployment. I am thankful for the new opportunities I've been given this year to contribute to our fincances.I am thankful that we are healthy, happy, and have enough love surrounding us to cover all the little things that aren't perfect right now.
Happy Thanksgiving! Jaime M. (Time 2 $ave)
What a great Thanksgiving morning….hanging out with my little family until we head out for Thanksgiving lunch at my Mom’s! I am very thankful for a wonderful family, healthy kids, all provisions being met by God, my nephew’s safe return from Iraq, and the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Have a great Thanksgiving!!!----CRYSTAL
This year I am most thankful for the following:
My mother. Someday ("when I grow up") I hope to be just like her!
My husband, who is my rock and very best friend...plus the very large, extended family that I became a part of when I married him. Our first house (which we purchased in May of this year) that I am slowly turning into a cozy nest :) A job (stressful as it may be) that allows me to pay the mortgage on our cozy little nest.
A second job (that is not nearly as stressful as the first!) at our church that allows me to serve the Lord through music but also provides for our family. When you stop to examine life's blessings there are a lot of simple ones that mean SO much! Happy Thanksgiving!
I am thankful for God and my wonderful family. I am thankful that I have a job. I am thankful that even though the economy is bad and times are tough, the Thanksgiving and Christmas spirit is alive and well and has nothing to do with how much we spend on presents. People are remembering that the important things in life have nothing to do with fancy things, and that is a blessing. I am thankful that we have food on the table and a roof over our heads, and I am thankful for the wonderful people at Time2Save who are helping me save money like never before. :) Grocery shopping is fun again!
Amy W. Bryant, AL
I am so very thankful for Jesus' unconditional love. Unconditional love is such a foreign & quite honestly, outdated notion in our society. Some of us who applaud ourselves for showing what we think is unconditional love still fall very short of the example our Lord & Savior sets. I fall short daily w/family, friends & even myself. However, I am so thankful that He loves me no matter what!!
Mecca R.
I am thankful for a beautiful healthy baby boy, my wonderful husband, my family,
my job, and learning how to use coupons!!
Hi Girls,
I am thankful for all the opportunities that God puts in front of me everyday. In my job I get to help people and be a positive influence for them. He has challenged me to grow and improve my life and my families' life thru couponing. I am thankful that my mother has pulled thru her surgery and is recovering at Siskin. I'm thankful for being able to spend extra time taking care of her and giving back a little of what she has always given me. I am thankful for my family,my job, my home, my friends, my health, and most of all my Lord.I'm thankful for Time2Save! Cindy McK
I recently (as in 3 weeks ago) moved to Tennessee from Indiana. I am so thankful that "home" is defined by my family and not by the U.S. state I am living in. I am homesick from time to time, but my wonderful husband and kids keep me going...as does my faith in the Lord. Psalm 100.
Spent the day serving people without a home or family to share this special day with. I served drinks and gave hugs all morning. Next year I am hoping to pass on a few extra's I get all through the year. One small gift can change a person's whole day. Blessing come in all sizes.
Sabrina Wikle
Salvation Army Volunteer
I most thankful for having people to support me in what God is telling me to do and for their faithfulness to stay with me during difficult seasons in life. Not everyone you can call a friend. Even family will turn there backs on you but it is always great to have friends that are there for you.
Wendy P
My mother is 87 years old and has Alzheimers. I am thankful that God has given me the strength and guidance to take care of her. It is not always easy, but I am enjoying every minute I have with her.
Bless you,
I am thankful for my God, my family, and my country. I have much to be thankful for even though my husband (who will be 62 in April) got laid off this week. I have been disabled since January 2003. Even though things are unstable for us right now, I know that my God will see us through. For that reason, I am very thankful that I can trust in my God to see me through whatever comes in the future.
Have a great day!
This year I am most thankful for my family. My great husband and son make my life brighter than I ever imagined it could be. Also, I'm thankful for a job that allows me to not only provide for us but to help others when they need it most. HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!
Justine G.
I am so thanful for a sweet Jesus who still sits on the throne and answers prayers. My only son, only child is a member of the National Guard's 278th. He was deployed with them about four years ago and was gone about 18 months. He and his wife had just had their first son he was about 4 months old. He missed so much of his son's first. About 2 or 3 months ago he found out they were being deployed again. My heart sank! Before I worked and had distractions and a lot of friends to help me get through. I just could not imagine how I would ever make it again. Before I prayed that God would take care of him and protect him and end my prayer with, "Lord your will be done." This time I had to have a very long talk with God and I tried to accept that it would be okay again and we would get through it but this time I prayed Lord I know it is probably selfish but if there is anyway for my son to stay home and no one be hurt or it cause any problem. I would be so grateful but your will be done. PRAISE GOD!!!!!! A few weeks into it while they were in Mississippi for their 3 week summer training. We found out that he would not be deployed. His time will expire before the deployment is over so he had the option of re-enlisting and going or staying home. In June his second son was born and would be just a little older than his first was when he left before. He and his wife talked about it and prayed about it and although the re-enlistment bonus would have been nice, THANK GOD, they decided it was not worth his life or the time he would miss with his family.
Writing is not my thing but I hope you can tell how thankful I am that my baby is not going back to Iraq or possibly going to Afghanistan.
The other thing I am thankful for is the rest of my family. Three years ago in December I had what was supposed to be a simple back surgery. I was supposed to only be off work for 4 to 6 weeks. A month after the first surgery I ended up back in the operating room. Something had gone wrong with the first surgery and they tried to fix it with the second. They did not succeed. I hear all the women saying what a good husband they have. Until you find out if they will wipe your bottom you don't know what good is. I have the best husband ever. I also have the best 84 year old mother, two sisters and two brothers. My mother and sister's were right there doing everything and trust me when I say everything for me while my husband worked. I stayed at my mother's house, she could work circles around me before anything happened to my back, for several weeks so my husband could work. He work's two full time job's. They took care of me while I was there and after I came home they came and brought food and did house work. I am still not supposed to bend or twist or lift over 10 pounds. Do you know how much 10 pounds is? About the same as a gallon of milk. That's not much so I am pretty worthless. Even after all this time they are all still here for me doing anything I need them too. Luckily I can at least take care of the paperwork now. LOL Oh, and my brother’s they are here for anything I ask of them too. I am thankful for finding your website. It has helped me so much to know how to combine the coupon's and at least help save some money. I haven't had the opportunity to come to one of the workshops yet. Whether I win or not I am coming to a workshop after the first of the year. You all are such a blessing. I can't imagine how you have the time to do all you do and keep the website up. I hope you realize how appreciated you are.
Anne ~ You are an inspiration to us all, thank you for sharing your heart and not being afraid to be real. As your sisters in Christ we wanted to remind you that you are priceless, not worthless. Your value isn't measured by the strength of your hands, or the health of your body. Be encouraged and blessed!
Isaiah 49:16 (New International Version)
See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.
Luke 12:7 (New International Version)
Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
Isaiah 43
Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
Zephaniah 3:17
The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."
As I've recently been reminded to do, I'm being thankful for all of the things that hasn't happened. All of the accidents I wasn't in, the sicknesses I didn't have, the loss of job I didn't experience. I want to always remember to be thankful for these and the other many blessings in my life. God has really been good to me when I truly didn't deserve it.
I’m so blessed to have a loving Christian family and great friends that all get together to enjoy a meal, share stories, and laughter each Thanksgiving Day. I’m so blessed by the hard work of the folks involved with this website, it has saved many families a lot of money this year by following your suggestions.
We are all so grateful. May you all have a blessed Thanksgiving Day.
Teresa R.
Chattanooga, TN
I am thankful I am alive. I was injured in a motorcycle wreck 3-6-06. I sustained some major injuries, but despite them all, God allowed me to continue to live. Despite my injuries, I am blessed with supportive friends and family, a loving husband, pets that love me, and just was blessed with a part-time job. Despite it all, I am blessed that God loves me and allows me to continue to live and spread his love & blessings.
Shelley Palmer
This year has been a difficult one for my family with the loss of my job and the birth of our third child. My husband has had to work 7 days a week at two different jobs while I have searched fruitlessly for another. The amazing blessing of all of this has been that we cherish the little time we have together each day and try to spend it doing things together. I have been able to spend more time with my 2 year old as well as volunteering at my 6 year old's school, 2 things I was hard pressed to do while working. To top it off, I have a beautiful new baby boy to love and care for and whose birth has brought us closer as a family as we come together to all take care of him. I am thankful for my family and friends this time of year and that I am able to spend more time with them now. I believe everything happens for a reason and as I draw near to the one year mark of being unemployed, I see that perhaps this was God's way of telling me to stop and take it all in and appreciate what I have as opposed to those things I may have wanted but did not need.
God Bless!
I am so very thankful for my Heavenly Father and the promises that He keeps to His children!! He has held me up through a very, very tough 2009 and has poured out blessings over and over on me. My life fell apart, or so it seemed, in the spring when my husband left me. Through Gods grace and my incredible family and church family, I walked through the tough times this trial has brought me and have seen Gods amazing hand at work over and over and over in every aspect of my life this year. It is only through His grace that I was able to “let go and let God” where my marriage was concerned, where my bills were concerned, where every aspect of life was concerned. I am continually amazed at and thankful for the work He is doing in my life. He has provided income every time it seemed that the bills wouldn’t get paid. He has provided words of comfort, encouragement, strength, peace, and wisdom at every turn through friends, family, His Word, my small group, my church, a song on the radio, a friends blog….so many very different ways He has provided!!
I am so very thankful for the blessings that couponing has afforded me, both for myself and for the people I’ve been able to bless with the coupon system. I am thankful for the money saved and the stocked pantry/freezer. I am forever thankful for the family that I have who has stood beside me and supported me in any way possible. I’m forever grateful for my friends who have stood by me in thick and thin. My church family is just incredibly awesome and I’m thankful for the chaotic events of 2008 that led to the birth of my church today! I am so thankful that God has a plan, and that he makes something good come from something we see as bad. I am thankful for the little things in my life….a roof over my head, a well-running car, a job, good neighbors, food in my pantry, clothes on my back, friends, my dog, my cats, good health, fall weather, a good book to read, my front porch swing…and so much more!! ~~~Jess G in SC~~
I am thankful for so many things! First and foremost for the saving grace of our Lord. Secondly, I am so thankful for the husband that God has given to me; he loves the Lord and leads me in that direction with him. He lost his job a year ago and through this lengthy trial, God has proven Himself over and over as to how He will and does provide and take care of us evrey day. So a year later I can say I am thankful for this situation becauseof the things we have learned through it; trusting God more, compassion, and that we don't need the things we always thought we did are only a few. I am especially thankful for the many things I have learned through Time 2 Save and other couponing friends... we can buy groceries guilt free in a financially difficult time!! Thank you so much for all the wisdom you give to us each day!!
Michele, Dayton, TN

I am so thankful to the Lord for the families that he put both me and my husband into, who raised us in loving Christian homes and gave us great examples of what a marriage should be. I am so thankful for what wonderful grandparents they all are, playing with our little boys, and loving them so much. Not everyone has families they like to visit at the holidays. We just wish there was some way to visit both!

I am thankful for a God that loves and cares for me and my family just as He loves and cares for the little sparrow. I am especially thankful for the the good health that He has given to our son with an immune deficiency disease. He has protected him from the H1N1 virus and even common illnesses this year. I am also thankful for Him providing the expensive medication that our son needs to stay healthy. We could never pay for all of his medicine on our income. I'm thankful that the Lord directed me to the Time 2 $ave web site to show me how to make it possible for me to work only part time, thus allowing me to have more time to care for our special needs son.