One of the ways we find deals and match up coupons w/sales around here is through This is kind of like our "Secret Weapon" for getting insider info. But there's no reason we should keep it a secret from you guys - we want you to have a leg up too!! So here's a handy-dandy guide and introduction to ......
What It Is
An online community of Coupon Pros (and novices) who have set up forums dedicated to every topic from CVS to Publix to Target Clearance. The moderators of those forums know A LOT - I sometimes ask them about a deal before I post it - just to make sure it's sound. Besides that, it is most used for it's fantastic Coupon Database - which I'll tell you more about next. What You'll Find
★ Grocery, Drugstore, and National Stores (like Walmart or Target) each have their own forums featuring: Store ads with coupon match-ups, weekly-ad "sneak-peeks", and tips on what works and what doesn't. See below, there are several threads about Target deals, including After-Christmas Clearance, PM (Price-Matching) Questions, & 79¢ Oscar Meyer Lunchmeats!★ The Beloved "Coupon Database" is my next favorite feature. It's an EXTREMELY HELPFUL database of all newspaper & printable coupons - but WON'T list any that are expired . For instance, in this shoddy screenshot below, I typed in "Snuggle" because I forgot what newspaper insert that great $2 Coupon was from. It tells me it's from the 12/06 RP!
★ A "Hot Deals" section on the front page of the site broadcasts the bargains everyone's buzzing about. This week's "Hot Deals" so far include FREE Fresco Tacos at Taco Bell, 20% Gap Coupon, etc....
★ LOTS MORE!!! Coupon trading, helpful articles, "How-To" Guides, and tons of other features await you if you're interested!
We really want to make it easy for you to use coupons, and give you the tools you need to be successful at it. This is a site we've used for a long time, and it just occurred to me that we haven't talked much about it!
Go HERE to sign up (it's totally free!) and take some time to look around. I have a hunch you're going to get really excited about a few things!