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Saturday, April 24, 2010
*2* FREE Kodak Picture Movie DVD's @ CVS!
Okay, so I'll first warn you that I haven't tried this yet - but Kodak Picture Movie DVD's are on BOGO at CVS this week + there is a BOGO coupon HERE.
In usual CVS circumstances this would wind up with us getting 2 for FREE... but I'll talk to my friendly store manager later on to make sure this is going to fly!
I hope so, because I could make a movie for my mom for Mother's Day and for my dad for Father's Day and feel pretty good about those presents!
Drug Stores,
Freebies and More,
photo deals
$1/1 Fig Newtons = FREE at CVS!
Sean from FreeSnatcher emailed me to let me know about a $1/1 Fig Newtons Coupon HERE - and goody-goody, it makes for FREE Fig Newtons at CVS this week!
This is extra-nice, because Nabisco Cookies are part of the Spend $25 ~ Get $15 off Avatar deal this week. See HERE for the rest of the CVS deals and Avatar deal inclusions. Scroll down for possible Avatar Scenario.
NOTE: If you have the Buy Fig Newtons ~ Get $2 Off Maxwell House tearpad coupons, you can get Maxwell House for $3.99. It is ALSO part of the Avatar Deal!
Possible Avatar Deal:
Buy (2) Maxwell House Canisters $11.98
Buy (2) Fig Newtons $2
Buy (4) ALL Detergent $14.00
Buy Avatar $19.99
Total: $46.97
Use (2) $1/1 Fig Newtons
Use (4) $2/1 ALL from 2/7 RP
Use (2) $2/1 Maxwell House Tearpad Q's
Instantly save $15 on Avatar
Pay $18.97 for the Avatar Movie + all those items!
Walgreens Highlights: 4/25 - 5/1
I'm so happy about this week at Walgreens! I keep not making it there (this week was due to 3 of my 6 family members being sick) - but I'm just going to have to buckle down and make it happen for all these freebies!
Register Reward Freebies:
Skintimate Shave Cream $2.99 ~ Get $3 RR
(makes it FREE!)
Stayfree 16-24 ct Maxi pads $2.99 ~ Get $3 RR
Use $2/1 from 3/28 RP or $1/1 PRINT or from 4/25 SS
(makes it Better than FREE!)
*I would roll these two RR's back and forth!
Clio Beauty Trim Personal Hair Trimmer $4.99 ~ Get $5 RR
(makes it FREE!) Is this what I think it is?
Plackers Dental Flossers $2 ~ Get $2 RR
Use 50¢/1 from 4/18 RP
(makes it Better than FREE!)
Bayer Countour or Breeze 2 Meter $19.99 ~ Get $10 RR
Use $10/1 from 4/25 RP
(makes it FREE!)
Other RR Deals:
Buy (4) Hallmark Cards ~ Get $2 RR, Buy (8) ~ Get $5 RR
Tone Body Wash $3.99 ~Get $3 RR
(makes it 99¢!)
Benadryl, Sudafed or Tylenol $4.99 ~ Get $5 RR wyb 2
Use (2) $1.50/1 Sudafed PE or Tylenol Sinus or Cold from 4/11 RP
or (2) Benadryl Anti-Itch PRINT(IE) or PRINT(FF)
or $3/2 from 2/7, 3/14 RP or from Walgreens Allergy Booklet
(makes it $1.50 ea!)
Best Coupon Deals & Fillers:
*Fillers are needed when you have more coupons than items. RR count as MFR coupons, so to pay with these, you often need to throw in a cheap item to even out the ratio.
Walgreens ALuminum Foil 59¢ (w/in-ad coupon)
Household Gloves 50¢ (w/in-ad coupon)
Infusium 23 $4.
Scotch Packing Tape 99¢ (w/in-ad coupon)
Use $1/1 PRINT
(makes it FREE) *You'll need to hand over the MFR coupon FIRST
Lysol & Airwick Freshmatic Kits 50% Off
Use $4/1 Lysol PRINT or $4/1 Airwick from 4/25 SS or PRINT
Bisquick Coupons & Magazine!
I can hardly EVER find coupons for Bisquick, and I hate that because it's something I use a lot (mostly for easy Chicken-Pot-Pie) Well, I just found out how to get great Bisquick coupons PLUS get new Bisquick recipe ideas in your inbox:
Go HERE and click on "Entertainment" in the left sidebar (Entertainment????)
Sign up for the newsletter - and get printable coupons in your inbox!
What's YOUR favorite Bisquick/Baking Mix recipe?
*HOT* New $1/1 Marcal Small Steps Printable! (FREE Tissue at BI-LO)
Marcal just released a great new $1/1 coupon HERE! I'm so excited about it because it's going to make Bi-Lo shopping really fun this week....
Bi-Lo has Marcal Small-Steps on BOGO for about 6 more weeks.
Facial Tissue is 85¢ ea
Napkins are $1.49 ea
This coupon will make for FREE Facial Tissue and 49¢ packs of Napkins!
Bi-Lo has Marcal Small-Steps on BOGO for about 6 more weeks.
Facial Tissue is 85¢ ea
Napkins are $1.49 ea
This coupon will make for FREE Facial Tissue and 49¢ packs of Napkins!
Walgreens May IVC (Coupon Booklet)
I've got the preview for Walgreens' May Coupon Book (aka: the IVC)! These are in alphabetical order except the top 3, which are already paired up to make good deals thanks to Christie of WildForWags!
$2 Tagamet, Gaviscon or Phazyme: Use with $2/1 PRINT = 99¢ Phayzme
$3 Veet: Use with $3/1 PRINT = 99¢
$2 Infusium23: Use with $3/1 from May ALL*YOU = 99¢
$2 Acne Free
$1 Boudreaux’s Butt Paste
$4 BreatheRX
$2 Bug Barrier
$3 Claritin 12 Hour
$5 Colonade
$1 Cottonelle 12 pk
$5 Crest 3D White Strips
$3 Cryo-Max
$4 Debrox
$3 Depend
$1/2 Dove Chocolate
$1/2 Dove Thank You Box
50¢ D.O.C. Dental Repair Kit
$2 Dr Scholls
$10 Dr Siegal’s Cookie Diet
$5 Dulcolax
$2 Energizer Hearing Aid batteries
$5 Evora Plus
$2 GasX, ExLax or Maalox
50¢ off Hersheys Kisses or Miniatures
$2 Huggies Little Swimmers
$2 Humphries Teething Strips
$1 Hyland’s Calm Forte
$3 LaCross
$3 Lamisil AT Jock Itch Cream
$3 Lamisil AT
$1/2 Life Savers
$5 Little Allergies
$3 L’Oreal Bare Naturals
$2 L’Oreal Color Riche or Infallible
$2 L’Oreal Lipstick
$2 L’Oreal Preference
$2 L’Oreal Studio Secret #1 or #2
$5 Medline Bath Bench
$10 Medline Foam Cushion
$5 Medline Swivel Seat
$10 Medline Transfer bench
$6 Mother’s Day Fragrance Gift Sets
$2 Nair
$15 Neuragen PN
50¢ Nexcare
$1 Odor Eaters
$2 One Touch Ultra Mini - (Get one FREE HERE!)
$35 One Touch Ultra Smart
$35 One Touch Ultra2
50¢ Pamprin
$2 Phillips Colon Health
$10 Plackers Grind No More
$1 Raid Products
$3 Revlon Pedi Expert
$1 Revlon Tweezers
$4 Senekot
50¢ off Simply Lemonade, Apple or Orange
$10 SleepRight
$2 Slo Niacin
$4 Slow Mag
50¢ Soyjoy
$1/2 Starbucks
$1/2 Stride or Dentyne
$6 Stuart Prenatal Vitamins
$2 Super Colon Cleanse
$1/2 Werthers
$1/2 Wonka
$3 Zegerid
$1 Zycam
$10 Walgreens Automatic Arm BP Monitor
$ Walgreens Automatic Wrist BP Monitor
$2 Walgreens Daily Fiber
$2 Wal-Dryl
$1 Wal Finate
$5 Walgreens Gold Seal Vitamin D
$1 Walgreens Glossy Photo Paper
$5 Walgreens Poison Ivy Wash
$2 W Makeup Remover Cleansing Cloths
$3 Walgreens Senna
$3 Walgreens Sinus Wash
$5 W Stop Smoking Products
$1 W Waterproof 35mm Camera
$2 Tagamet, Gaviscon or Phazyme: Use with $2/1 PRINT = 99¢ Phayzme
$3 Veet: Use with $3/1 PRINT = 99¢
$2 Infusium23: Use with $3/1 from May ALL*YOU = 99¢

$2 Acne Free
$1 Boudreaux’s Butt Paste
$4 BreatheRX
$2 Bug Barrier
$3 Claritin 12 Hour
$5 Colonade
$1 Cottonelle 12 pk
$5 Crest 3D White Strips
$3 Cryo-Max
$4 Debrox
$3 Depend
$1/2 Dove Chocolate
$1/2 Dove Thank You Box
50¢ D.O.C. Dental Repair Kit
$2 Dr Scholls
$10 Dr Siegal’s Cookie Diet
$5 Dulcolax
$2 Energizer Hearing Aid batteries
$5 Evora Plus
$2 GasX, ExLax or Maalox
50¢ off Hersheys Kisses or Miniatures
$2 Huggies Little Swimmers
$2 Humphries Teething Strips
$1 Hyland’s Calm Forte
$3 LaCross
$3 Lamisil AT Jock Itch Cream
$3 Lamisil AT
$1/2 Life Savers
$5 Little Allergies
$3 L’Oreal Bare Naturals
$2 L’Oreal Color Riche or Infallible
$2 L’Oreal Lipstick
$2 L’Oreal Preference
$2 L’Oreal Studio Secret #1 or #2
$5 Medline Bath Bench
$10 Medline Foam Cushion
$5 Medline Swivel Seat
$10 Medline Transfer bench
$6 Mother’s Day Fragrance Gift Sets
$2 Nair
$15 Neuragen PN
50¢ Nexcare
$1 Odor Eaters
$2 One Touch Ultra Mini - (Get one FREE HERE!)
$35 One Touch Ultra Smart
$35 One Touch Ultra2
50¢ Pamprin
$2 Phillips Colon Health
$10 Plackers Grind No More
$1 Raid Products
$3 Revlon Pedi Expert
$1 Revlon Tweezers
$4 Senekot
50¢ off Simply Lemonade, Apple or Orange
$10 SleepRight
$2 Slo Niacin
$4 Slow Mag
50¢ Soyjoy
$1/2 Starbucks
$1/2 Stride or Dentyne
$6 Stuart Prenatal Vitamins
$2 Super Colon Cleanse
$1/2 Werthers
$1/2 Wonka
$3 Zegerid
$1 Zycam
$10 Walgreens Automatic Arm BP Monitor
$ Walgreens Automatic Wrist BP Monitor
$2 Walgreens Daily Fiber
$2 Wal-Dryl
$1 Wal Finate
$5 Walgreens Gold Seal Vitamin D
$1 Walgreens Glossy Photo Paper
$5 Walgreens Poison Ivy Wash
$2 W Makeup Remover Cleansing Cloths
$3 Walgreens Senna
$3 Walgreens Sinus Wash
$5 W Stop Smoking Products
$1 W Waterproof 35mm Camera
Disney Deal - UPDATED
Disney Book Club is running a SWEET deal right now -
Buy just *1* Disney Book @ $4.99 + $1.33 Shipping (It looks like it may be charging $4.99 according to one reader who ordered, I'm not sure why.)Get 2 Additional books FREE
Get a Disney backseat organizer FREE
(Click the Picture above to choose your books!)
When you sign your child up for the Book Club (Cancel any time with no commitment) you'll get to chose from a "girl" pack or a "boy" pack:
Princess & the Frog, Cinderella, Little Mermaid
UP, Cars, Peter Pan
CVS Highlights: 4/25 - 5/1
This week at CVS has some GREAT deals! Free bodywash, toothbrushes, cheap Nivea & razors... and of course, the Avatar Deal. I'll be working on a good scenario during the kids' naptime - so stay tuned!
Note: If you are a Cleveland, TN reader - the Keith St. Store ordered a HUGE supply of Nivea items for the month-long Nivea Deal!
Saturday Shopping:
Many Non-24-Hour CVS' start the upcoming week's sale on Saturday evening. Ask your store manager about it - it's a great way to get THIS week's deals + NEXT week's deals all in one trip!
Best ECB Deals:
Softsoap or Irish Spring Bodywash $2.99 ~ Get $2 ECB (Limit 2)
Use $1/1 Softsoap or $1/1 Irish Spring from CVS Reinventing Beauty Magazine
*You can find these in the store for 99¢
Stack WITH 75¢/1 Softsoap Nutri-Serum PRINT
(2) Nivea LipCare @ $3.19 ea = $6.38
Total Before Coupons = $18.36
-BOGO Nivea Bodywash from May ALL*YOU = $12.37
Total After Coupons = $7.18~ Get $5 ECB
Schick Quattro (Razor or 4-ct REFILL!), Schick Intuition $8.99 ~ Get $4 ECB (Limit 1)
Use $4/1 Women's Quattro or Intuition from 4/25 SS
Colgate Pro-Clinical $3,99 ~ Get $2 ECB (Limit 2)
Use $1/1 PRINT or from 4/11 SS
(makes it 99¢)
Biore Cleanser/Pore Strips $6 ~ Get $5 ECB wyb $15 (Limit 1)
Buy (4) and use (2) BOGO from the 3/7 SS
(makes it $7 or $1.75 ea)
Pampers Diapers/Easy Ups Jumbo Pack $8.49 ~ Get $1 ECB (Limit 1)
Use $1.50/1 from 4/4 P&G or $2/1 HERE
Stack with $3/1 PRINT *Register with site to make printing it easier
or from Parenting Magazine
(makes it $3 ea!)
Best Coupon Deals:
Tresemme Products $3.33
Stack With $2/1 PRINT
Softsoap Ensembles BOGO $3.99
Use (2) $1/1 PRINT
Arm & Hammer Dryer Cloths/Detergent BOGO $4.69
Use (2) $1/1 Dryer Cloths PRINT (*I love these!)
or $1/2 PRINT or from 4/11 SS
*Keebler/Nabisco Crackers or Cookies $1
*Coke 12-Packs $3.66
*General Mills Ceral/Granola or Cereal Bars $2.44
Use $1/2 cereals (and various other GM coupons) PRINT, PRINT, PRINT, PRINT
$1/1 Total PRINT or Multigrain Cheerios PRINT
*All Detergent $3.50
Use $2/1 or $1/1 from 2/7 SS or $1/1 PRINT
* Quilted Northern Ultra Plus 12-Pack $6.99
Use 50¢/1 from 3/14 RP
* Maxwell House 34.5 oz Master Blend $5.99
Use $1/2 from 3/21 SS
Possible Scenario:
Buy (4) ALL = $15
Use (3) Coke 12-packs = $11
Use (4) $2/1 ALL
Pay $18 & get a $15 discount on the movie
I'll work on some more deal scenarios later today!
Note: If you are a Cleveland, TN reader - the Keith St. Store ordered a HUGE supply of Nivea items for the month-long Nivea Deal!
Saturday Shopping:
Many Non-24-Hour CVS' start the upcoming week's sale on Saturday evening. Ask your store manager about it - it's a great way to get THIS week's deals + NEXT week's deals all in one trip!
Best ECB Deals:
Softsoap or Irish Spring Bodywash $2.99 ~ Get $2 ECB (Limit 2)
Use $1/1 Softsoap or $1/1 Irish Spring from CVS Reinventing Beauty Magazine
*You can find these in the store for 99¢
Stack WITH 75¢/1 Softsoap Nutri-Serum PRINT
(makes it 24¢ - FREE)
Oral B 3D White Toothbrush $2.99 ~ Get $1 ECB (Limit 2)
Use BOGO from the 3/7 P&G + $2/1 from the 4/4 P&G
(makes it FREE + $1 Profit!)
Nivea Deal: Spend $15 ~ Get $5 ECB (Limit 1)
(2) Nivea bodywash @ $5.99 ea = $11.98(2) Nivea LipCare @ $3.19 ea = $6.38
Total Before Coupons = $18.36
-BOGO Nivea Bodywash from May ALL*YOU = $12.37
-$2/1 Nivea Bodywash Print or from March/April ALL*YOU = $10.37
-BOGO Nivea LipCare from May ALL*YOU = $7.18Total After Coupons = $7.18~ Get $5 ECB
(Makes it 54¢ ea!)
Schick Quattro (Razor or 4-ct REFILL!), Schick Intuition $8.99 ~ Get $4 ECB (Limit 1)
Use $4/1 Women's Quattro or Intuition from 4/25 SS
(makes it 99¢!)
*If you've already bought the razor, BUY THE REFILLS for this. You'll get 4 cartridges instead of just 1 or 2. Those refills aren't always included in these deals!Colgate Pro-Clinical $3,99 ~ Get $2 ECB (Limit 2)
Use $1/1 PRINT or from 4/11 SS
(makes it 99¢)
Biore Cleanser/Pore Strips $6 ~ Get $5 ECB wyb $15 (Limit 1)
Buy (4) and use (2) BOGO from the 3/7 SS
(makes it $7 or $1.75 ea)
Pampers Diapers/Easy Ups Jumbo Pack $8.49 ~ Get $1 ECB (Limit 1)
Use $1.50/1 from 4/4 P&G or $2/1 HERE
Stack with $3/1 PRINT *Register with site to make printing it easier
or from Parenting Magazine
(makes it $3 ea!)
Best Coupon Deals:
Taster's Choice Stick Packs $1
Buy 2 & Use BOGO + 75¢/1 Coupons HERE
(makes it 12¢ ea!)
Tresemme Products $3.33
Stack With $2/1 PRINT
(makes it 66¢ ea)
Softsoap Ensembles BOGO $3.99
Use (2) $1/1 PRINT
(makes it 99¢ ea)
Arm & Hammer Dryer Cloths/Detergent BOGO $4.69
Use (2) $1/1 Dryer Cloths PRINT (*I love these!)
or $1/2 PRINT or from 4/11 SS
(makes it as low as $1.34)
Save $15 off Avatar wyb $25 of products below:
I know alot of you plan to try for the Avatar deal, so even though this doesn't make the best bargain ever, here are your best bets to work this deal:*Keebler/Nabisco Crackers or Cookies $1
*Coke 12-Packs $3.66
*General Mills Ceral/Granola or Cereal Bars $2.44
Use $1/2 cereals (and various other GM coupons) PRINT, PRINT, PRINT, PRINT
$1/1 Total PRINT or Multigrain Cheerios PRINT
*All Detergent $3.50
Use $2/1 or $1/1 from 2/7 SS or $1/1 PRINT
* Quilted Northern Ultra Plus 12-Pack $6.99
Use 50¢/1 from 3/14 RP
* Maxwell House 34.5 oz Master Blend $5.99
Use $1/2 from 3/21 SS
Possible Scenario:
Buy (4) ALL = $15
Use (3) Coke 12-packs = $11
Use (4) $2/1 ALL
Pay $18 & get a $15 discount on the movie
I'll work on some more deal scenarios later today!
Great new Heinz Coupons on!
There are some nice new Heinz coupons available on today - check them out!
$2 off Heinz 57 Sauce PRINT
$2 off Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce PRINT
75¢/1 Heinz Worcestershire SaucePRINT
50¢/1 Heinz Relish PRINT
$1/2 Heinz Vinegar PRINT
Thanks to Kai over at SmartCouponing!
Hey readers!
If you ever notice a new printable coupon - please write me (Jamie) at
and let me know about it so I can share it with everyone!
Sunday Newspaper Inserts for 4/25
Click HERE to see what coupons you can look forward to this week!
NOTE: Depending on the size of your city/newspaper, your inserts and coupons WILL vary. Get the biggest paper around you to make sure you get the best coupons! If you miss out on some good ones - never fear! Go purchase several of the ones you want from TheCouponClippers or Ebay!
What Now? (Grocery Edition: Week of 4/21)
The "What Now?" posts are a starting place for newbies (like you!), with great store deals using PRINTABLE coupons (and this week's insert coupons) only. We know your coupon-collection will grow, but in the meantime, here's a list just for YOU!
1) Publix, 2) Bi-Lo, 3) Food Lion, 4) Kroger
Best BOGO Deals:Ronzoni Healthy Harvest Pasta $1.80 (90¢)
Use $1/1 from various magazines
or $1/2 PRINT
(makes it 40¢ = FREE!)
Post Selects Cereal $4 ($2)
Use $2/1 PRINT
(makes it FREE!)
Windex $3.39 ($1.69)
Use (2) $1/1 PRINT
Stack with $1/2 Publix Q from "Value In The Family" Booklet
(makes it 69¢ - 19¢!) *See HERE to turn this into a MoneyMaker!
Pillsbury Toaster Streudel $2.20 ($1.10)
(makes it 82¢ ea!)
Green Giant Valley Fresh Steamers
Use 50¢/1 PRINT
(makes it 20¢ ea!)
Yo-Plus 4 Pack Yogurt $2.50 ($1.25)
Use $1/1 PRINT or PRINT or 3/21 SS
or 50¢/1 from 4/18 SS (Will double)
(makes it 25¢ ea) *YOGURT FREEZES WELL!
Edwards Pie Singles $2.50 ($1.25)
Use $1/1 PRINT
(makes it 25¢ ea!)
Betty Crocker Cookie Mix $2.70 ($1.35)
Use 40¢/1 PRINT(makes it 55¢ ea!)
Glade Plugins Scented Oil Refills $5.49 ($2.74)
Use $2/3 PRINT
Stack with $1/1 from Publix "Value In The Family" Booklet
(makes it 74¢ if you have both coupons)
Simply Potatoes $2.49 ($1.25)
Use $1/2 FLIP *If Food Lion is a competitor
(makes it 75¢ ea!) *Thanks Leighannie!
Cheez-its Duos $3.30 ($1.65)
Use 75¢/1 PRINT
Stack with $2/2 from Walgreens April Booklet or $1/1 Rite-Aid Video Values Q *If your Publix accepts either of those!
(makes it 90¢ - FREE ea!)
Campbell's Chunky Soup $2.40 ($1.20)
Use $1/3 PRINT
(makes it 87¢ ea!)
Nature Valley Granola Bars $5.50 ($2.75)
Use 40¢/1 PRINT
(makes it $1.95 ea)
Other Deals:
Cascadian Farm Frozen Fruit $2
Use $3/2 Publix Q PRINT
Stack with $1/1 PRINT
(makes it 32¢ ea) *Fruit Smoothies anyone?
DelMonte Fruit Chillers $1.67
Use $1/1 PRINT
(makes it 67¢!)
Pepperidge Farm Garlic Toast $1.35
Use 55¢/1 PRINT
(makes it 75¢ ea!)
Sargento Shredded Cheese $2
Use $1/1 Reduced Sodium Variety PRINT
(makes it $1)
Old Orchard Juice $2
Use BOGO from May ALL*YOU
Also use 55¢/1 Blinkie
(makes it 73¢ ea!)
Use 50¢/1 from 4/18 SS *Will Double
Stack with $1.50/1 from Publix One Stop. One Store Booklet
(makes it $2.49!)
Huggies Diapers (Reg. Price)
Use $2/1 In-ad Coupon *No size requirement!
Stack with $3/1 PRINT
(makes it $5 off!)
*Remember*: At Bi-Lo, you don't have to buy *2* BOGO items to get each one for 1/2 price - so I have just listed the price of *1* item where a BOGO is concerned.
Best Deals:
Beef Sirloin Tip Roast BOGO $2.24/lb
California Strawberries BOGO $1.99/lb
Bananas 44¢ lb
Hormel Sandwich Meats/Chicken Strips BOGO $1.99 ea
Use 55¢/1 PRINT or PRINT or look for blinkies/peelies
(makes it 89¢ ea!)
Keebler Fudge Shoppe BOGO $1.80 ea
Use $1/1 PRINT(makes it 70¢ -80¢ ea!)
Jolly Time Microwave Popcorn BOGO $1.35 ea
Use $1/2 "Healthy Pop" PRINT
(makes it 85¢ ea)
Fast Fixin' Chicken Nuggets BOGO $3.49.
Use $1/1 PRINT or $1/1 or $1.25/1 from May ALL*YOU
(makes it $2.24 - $2.49 ea!)
Pompeain Olive Oil 16oz BOGO $3.50 ea
Use $1/1 PRINT
(makes it $2.50 ea!)
Infusium 23 $3.99
use $3/1 from May ALL*YOU
(makes it 99¢)
Clorox Green Works Laundry Detergent 45 oz BOGO $4.50 ea
Use $1.50/1 from 4/18 SS
(makes it $3.50 ea)
- Get your Weekly Food Lion Printables HERE
Ground Chuck $1.97/lb
Carrots 2-LB Bag $1.29
Russet Potatoes 5lb BOGO $2.88 ($1.44 ea)
Campbell's Tomato Soup 50¢
Use $1/2 PRINT
(makes it FREE)
Cofee-Mate $1.66
Use 75¢/1 Food Lion Printable
Stack with 75¢/1 PRINT
(makes it 16¢ ea!)
Print a $1/1 Nature's Place Coupon HERE (Food Lion's Organic Brand).
(Makes Nature's Place Canned Veggies 19¢!)
Lender's Bagels BOGO $1.99 (99¢)
Use $1/2 PRINT
(makes it 49¢ ea)
Orville Redenbachers Popcorn BOGO $2.99 ($1.49)
Use $1.50/4 PRINT
(makes it $1.17 ea)
Sargento Shredded Cheese B2G1 Sargento "Snack" Free @ $2.50 ea
Buy (2) Shreds for $5 + (1) Sargento "Snack" (Will be free)
Use (2) $1/1 PRINT or from 4/18 SS
(makes it $1 per cheese!)
Kingsford or Matchlight Charcoal (11-18 lb Bag) $8.99
Get FREE Hidden Valley Ranch or KC Masterpiece with purchaseUse FREE Glad product wyb Kingsford PRINT
(makes it $8.99 for Charcoal, Hidden Valley Ranch or KC Masterpiece, & Gladware!)
Kroger E-coupons
Before heading to the store, don't forget to load your Kroger Card with ecoupons from theKroger website HERE and from CellFire HERE.
(4 Day Meat Sale - Sun-Wed)
--Fresh Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts - $1.79/lb--Choice Boneless Ribeye - $4.99/lb
--Boneless Pork Loin - $1.89/lb
--Fresh Whole Picnic - .89/lb
--Honeysuckle Fresh Ground Turkey Breast - B1G1 FREE
(use two $1/1 PRINT)
Rotisserie Chicken - $3.99
Be sure to load $2 ecoupon from here
(makes it $1.99)
Del Monte Fruit Naturals Fruit Cups - $1
Use $1/3 PRINT
(makes it .67 cents each)
Kellogg's Cereal (select varieties) - $1.97
Buy (2) and use $1.50/2 PRINT
(makes it as low as $1.22 each)
Healthy Choice or Marie Callendar's Entrees - 5/$10
**PLUS wyb 5 you will receive $2 off your next purchase.
Buy 5, Use (2) $1/2 PRINT
(makes it $1.20 each) - after the $2 catalina you'll receive
Country Crock Spread (15 oz) - $1
Use .55/1 PRINT
(makes it as low as .40 cents)
Knorr Rice or Pasta Sides - $1
Buy 3 and Use $1/3 PRINT
(makes it .67 cents each)
V-8 Fusion or V-8 Vegetable Juice - $2.49
Use $1/1 Fusion PRINT or PRINT
(makes it $1.49)
Stouffer's Family Size Entree's - $3.99
Use $2.50/1 PRINT (Facebook coupon)
(makes it as low as $1.49)
Campbell's Condensed Soup - $1
Use $1/2 cooking soups PRINT
(makes it as low as 50¢)
Green Giant Frozen Boxed Vegetables - $1
Use .50/2 PRINT and stack with .50/2 Cellfire ecoupon
(makes it .50 cents)
Pillsbury Grands, Crescents or Cinnamon Rolls - $1
Use 75¢/2 PRINT and stack with .40/2 Cellfire ecoupon
(makes it 43¢)
You can also use .30/2 PRINT and .40/3 from 3/28 SS
Yoplait Greek Yogurt - $1
Use .30/1 PRINT, .45/1 PRINT
(makes it as low as 10¢ if coupons will double)
SoftSoap Hand Soap - $1
Use .35/1 PRINT
(makes it 65 cents)
Purina One Dry Cat Food - $4.99
Use $2/1 from 4/18 RP
(makes it $2.99)
Huggies Jumbo Diapers, Pullups or Training Pants - $8.99
Use $3/1 PRINT (use zipcode 30318)
Use $1.50/1 from 4/18 SS
(makes it as low as $6.99)
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