What's going on at your house?
Share with us if have taken the challenge to declutter!
Now I(Kasey) will admit, I have a friend that has helped me alot in exchange for groceries and clothes for her daughter. It was her idea to put the laundry stuff in baskets, I have to admit I was a little skeptical at first since it does take away storage area, but it sure makes it look clean. The baskets were on clearance at Target for $2.00 after Christmas. I would love to put my husbands dress shirts in our closet but he says that they stay wrinkle free longer in the laundry room.

In the picture on the left the barrel shapped thing on the wall is from Ikea, my favorite store! It was only $1.99 and keeps all my plastic shopping bags in one place. The second picture is an example of my laundry sorting method. Instead of hampers in every room, we have the shelves above with laundry baskets. Each day our dirty clothes get placed in the appropriate basket. When it gets full, the laundry is already sorted - I just turn around and dump it in the wash. I will take credit for this system, I have used it for several years not bad for me.
If you missed my first project, overhauling the kids playroom click
HERE. As I said then, this does not come natural to me, I love the way it looks and I feel soooo much better with it clean. I just get completley overwhelmed, my ADHD kicks in and before you know it I have the entire house torn apart and not one room finished. So I am taking Debbie's advice and cleaning out something everyday. Even if it is just a small drawer it does help me to feel like I am accomplishing something a little at a time. I have been working on our bedroom this week - it might take a couple of weeks before I finish there. If you have missed a week of our new Simplify Sunday Series click
Reader Testimonial and Pictures
I was so inspired by your site and how to get stuff organized I finally de-cluttered my bedroom.
I have lived in a small master for a while now and my stuff is now taking over the area. I have no where to put it all so it ends up on the floor and shortly after usually destroyed by our daughter or our dogs...i've lost so many pairs of shoes and bags:(
I did want to share some quick ways my husband helped me organized all my "chic stuff" haha.
He went to walmart and purchased clearance wrapping paper bins for all my shoes to go under the bed they work great and are sturdy. Now every girl wants a great place to put on her makeup and do her hair but I hate trying to stand in the bathroom and do it and have always wanted a vanity but lets be honest they are expensive or too small for all your stuff. My hubs(who rocks) built the one show for $25 from stuff he found at Walmart using a shelf, a $6 mirror, plastic bins, basket for curling iron and blow dryer and even mounted a surge protector underneath shelf for me to plug it all into and screwed the plastic bins to the top so my 1 year old can no longer reach all my makeup. I LOVE IT!
Finally he cut the hooks off extra plastic hangers lying around and nailed them to the wall for all my handbags and that was FREE.
Now all MY stuff is out of reach from our daughter and the dogs and I'm very happy!
It's not fancy but it's cheap and WORKS!....now if i could just keep my daughter from unfolding all her clothes we would be in business(:
Karina S. received via email 1-19-2010
I didn't have before pics but just imagine it all over the floor!
Anyone have any advice on helping her out with her baby girl unfolding laundry?