We know there is a lot to grasp when you enter the exciting world of Couponing. We wanted to send over a couple of important links on our website, without YOU having to dig and find them. (This is going to be going out to our recent workshop attendees, but we thought it would be helpful to post it on the site also!)
- Don't want to miss any great deals? Click HERE for a link to our website, scroll down the left sidebar(green side), look for Subscribe to, enter your email address right below. Delivered by Feedburner - spam FREE.
- Become a fan of Time 2 $ave on facebook HERE. Join the community as we share great deals, coupon finds, discussions, pictures and more. There is also a Time 2 Give page for everyone to share how you've been able to give to others, bounce fun and creative ideas of being a "secret giving agent" with one another. It is very easy to comment, add any pictures you'd like or join our discussions. Got a question, no problem there's always someone on the page visiting to answer.
Where to get coupons:
- Click HERE for brand new Pillsbury coupons
- CLick HERE to receive this home mailer. It's got HIGH VALUE coupons!
- Click HERE to print Smart Source coupons, HERE for Redplum, HERE to print coupons.com, HERE for coolsavings.com
- Tutorial - How to order coupons from a "coupon clipping" service HERE
- Tutorial - What is A Full Cup HERE? How do I search the coupon database? HERE
- Tutorial -How to order coupons from Ebay HERE
Ebates - Earn Cash Back when you order online!!
Ebates - Earn Cash Back when you order online!!
Would you like money back when you order online? Like to have cash back from Ebay orders and over 1,000 other merchants? Sign up for Ebates. Ebates is the pioneer and leader of online Cash Back Shopping. The company was founded in 1998 by two Deputy District Attorneys in Silicon Valley who used to prosecute online fraud & identity theft before starting Ebates (so you can be sure we are very into secure online transactions!). Joining Ebates is always free - you'll never pay them anything. And four times a year or more, they will mail you a Big Fat Check, or transfer the money to your PayPal account if you'd prefer. They can even send the money to your favorite charity. All 100% free.
Want to earn virtual "bucks" by signing up with swagbucks and using their search engine powered by google? You can spend the "bucks" that you earn to buy gift cards. Amazon - Target - Starbucks - anyone want a FREE gift card? Click HERE to sign up. Don't forget to download the toolbar to increase your chance of winning!
Here is the short and simple version!
1. SEARCH Search the web using http://www.swagbucks.com/ and receive results from Google and Ask.com. 2. EARN Swag Bucks are periodically awarded as you search the web. 3. REDEEMRedeem your Swag Bucks for exclusive swagbucks.com products and more in the Swag Store.
Don't forget to download the toolbar!!
Other Helpful Tools
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