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Thursday, December 24, 2009

"Reindeer Food"

I took the kiddos to a Christmas party tonight at a friend's house, and as they stumbled out the door with sugar-hangovers, she handed each a bag of "Reindeer Food".  I'd never heard of such a thing, but if you humor your kids with the Santa-Claus story like I do, then I thought you might want to know it too!

Raw Oatmeal (Cause reindeer LOOOVE them some oats....)
Glitter or sprinkles (To sparkle in the moonlight and guide them to your home)

Toss some out on the lawn on Christmas Eve, to give those poor over-worked reindeer something to munch on while Santa's doing his chimney business.
If you're having a Christmas Eve Party, and want to give little ziploc bags out to the children, here's a short poem you can staple to them:

"Make a wish and close your eyes tight,
then sprinkle on your lawn at night.
As Santa's reindeer fly and roam

This food will guide them to your home."

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