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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Simplify Sunday (Easter Sunday)

Debby McCuiston, self-proclaimed "Queen of Clutter-Free", does a segment for us each Sunday on simplifying our lives, getting rid of "clutter", and focusing on what's important.  We're really excited about this new segment - and hope you are too!  Take it away Debby...

Well, here I sit in my son and daughter in law's apt in New York City. My goodness, this place is crazy ( my apologies to anyone that may be here or from here). Tomorrow is Easter and you would never know it around here. It is just a whole different world. There are people everywhere all the time, going who knows where. Everyone is always in a hurry, going and coming all the time. Talk about clutter and chaos!!!!
As you read this I hope you have enjoyed a morning celebrating the fact that Christ has risen!!! If you spent this special time in church or with family and friends I hope you have had a wonderful time. Take time to reflect on  the meaning of the day and how much God loves you!

After just the little bit I have seen of the city so far, I have decided they need to have a major "clean the clutter" campaign. I am willing to lead this, but I am not sure how well a southern girl telling New Yorkers to clean up their mess, will come across. There is stuff everywhere!!! I know that many of you feel like you live in the same amount of clutter. It's time to  arm yourself and start to fight that battle. You can not continue to sit in that mess and think that it will go away all by it self. It is time to make a plan and slowly but surely fight your way out.
Since it's spring and a time of rebirth and rejuvenation, it's a perfect time to restart and make a plan. Take some time this week to decide where you want to go on this journey. Keep in mind, it is a journey, not a race. This journey requires you to keep moving, putting one foot in front of the other everyday. Before you begin any journey, you need to make a plan. Without a plan you have no direction. It's hard to stay motivated without a plan. No  general ever goes into battle without a plan. There would be total chaos. No one wins when there isn't a plan. I am sure you have heard the quote-"When we fail to plan, we plan to fail". Needless to say this clutter battle can not be won without a plan. It doesn't have to be a plan laid in stone. Just a simple plan, that gives you some sort of direction to go in everyday. Progress is when we can look back and see how far we have come. If you don't plan where to start - how will you know when you are finished or what to do next?
Many times we make more work for ourselves when we have to redo something because we didn't have a planned sequence.  Look around and decide what room you need to start in. It does not need to be the worst room. Take it slow, just start with what is around you, then branch out. Reward yourself with something special. Meet a friend for dinner or go to the movies, but get out and do something for yourself.

Don't think that you are in this alone. There are millions of people just like you and me. We all need someone to care enough to say "Follow me, I know the way out, I have been where you are". That is why I am here, I have fought the same battles you are fighting. There have been days when I thought I would never see the light at the end of the tunnel. But I wanted it bad enough to continue to fight for my right to to live in a place that was not ruled by chaos. Until I sat down and decided where I wanted to go and how I was willing to get there - I felt lost and unmotivated. Now believe me, it is hard some days. I want to give up and forget it all. After all, I can always close the door to that room and no one will know.
But I know.
And there is something very unsettling about having chaos and clutter rule your life. I will no longer be ruled by the things I need to hide from others or from myself. It's time to take control of the things in our lives instead of letting them control you. Take the time to decide to move forward and get started. You may have tried before and given up. So--- now it's time to try again.

God did not create this beautiful world without a plan. He did not create it overnight. He set His mind to develop a plan and then spoke it into being. Can you imagine what this world would be like if God  did like we do-- Whatever, Whenever.  So if the God of the universe had a plan to create this world, why do we think we can do something so simple as cleaning our small little world without a plan. How and when did we get too big for our britches that we wouldn't need a plan but God did. I guess that's why He is God and I am not.

So as spring settles in all around us take some time to focus on the direction you want to go in. Decide what you are willing to do to make it happen. It is up to you. Stop complaning and  get busy.  Don't continue to wish for a better life -- get rid of what is holding you back. You can not move forward when there is not room to move.  Make a plan and let me know how things are going. You can do it --You are the only one that can make a plan to make a difference in your own life.

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