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Saturday, February 28, 2009

New Food Lion Health & Wellness Printables!

CLICK HERE for 9 new coupons!
Also added to list of Printables on Right Side of Blog.

Thanks Jenny at Southern Savers!


  1. Kasey....I have to ladies are my heroes right now!!! I am the one that ran into you at CVS and The Dollar Tree....I almost feel like I am doing something wrong by saving so much money! I have done it since your class at 1st before Q at Publix my total was $ oop was $61.51....Thank you isn't enough but it is all I have....Thank you for sharing your gift and blessing so many!

  2. Thank you Michelle. It blesses us to see your savings. Take a pic and email it to us and we will post it. Or if you can't do that just keep sending us your savings.



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