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Saturday, December 19, 2009

NO Coupons Tomorrow!!

You can take a little break next week from buying the Sunday paper, because there won't be any inserts at all!  Next week we can look forward to 1: a Proctor & Gamble, but this week - nada. 
You might want to just leaf through and peek in the PARADE or the USA whatever-it-is though, just in case they stuck some awesomely awesome coupon in there to shake things up.

This would be a good week to spend a few minutes catching up on grabbing the good December printables before they start hitting their Print Limits towards the end of the month.  Look around and see if you missed any on, Smartsource, RedPlum or!!

1 comment:

  1. Parade magazine had a coupon for Buy 1 6oz craisins get a free 100 calorie craisins pack.



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