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Saturday, February 13, 2010


Belly Bands for Male Dogs with Incontinence Problems

(This popped up tonight on Amazon when I did a children's clothing search.  I couldn't help but crack up.  Don't get me wrong I might appreciate this product if I had a dog experiencing incontinence problems.  But fabric options?  Print, denim, cordory, or solid I can't imagine that there could possibly be that much of a demand.  I can think of tons of other things around my house that could be used for the same purpose for free.  I don't have a pet so obviously I am not the go to person to ask.  I HAVE to know do people really search Amazon for such a thing?)  

DISCLAIMER:  If you already have this product or are planning on buying it, please disregard statements above.   


Pick your color: Print, Solid, Corduroy, and Denim
Size: X-Small (12-14.5")XX-Small (10-11.5")Small (15-16.5")Large (21-24")Medium (17-20.5")

Product Description
These are for those male dogs with incontinence problems. Belly bands are made to prevent dogs from marking their territory when out and about. These belly bands are not intended to absorb pee, but to inhibit peeing. For urine absorption, just add a panty liner or tissue. Belly bands provide temporary aid to dogs with incontinence problems. Fashionable and useful. Velcro attachments for a secure fit.  Please measure around rear girth and allow extra room for a panty liner or tissue.
There is only one Customer Review HERE if you want more info.

A merry heart doeth good like medicine... Proverbs 17:22


  1. You know there are some people out there that will buy ANYTHING. Was there a coupon for it? Maybe it was free... That is HYSTERICAL - but seeing that there is actually a review just about made me fall off my chair. LOL!!!

  2. LOL! I agree it is rather funny, HOWEVER, we have a female dog that has bladder problems and has to wear a dog diaper. It is HYSTERICAL and we laugh about it as well. When people see her for the first time they get a kick out of it. But I truly do appreciate the product we use(not this product). Without it we would not be able to keep her in the house(she is a small yorkie, therefore cannot stay outside).

  3. My dog is getting old (16 years) and can't hold himself anymore, so he wears these. But they're quite easy to make also. Get some fabric and velcro and your set! They have really helped him alot.

  4. tboyte87 - when I worked as a vet tech years ago - we used to teach pet owners how to make these themselves for their aging small dogs, they have been around a long time. Necessary, but easy to make - I just can't believe someone sells those - for $20 each!!! wow...if you know where to go to get the stuff to make it at a discount - you could make a dozen for less than $10.



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