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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Simplify Sundays: 2/21 (Letting Go)

Debbie McCuiston, self-proclaimed "Queen of Clutter-Free", does a segment for us each Sunday on simplifying our lives, getting rid of "clutter", and focusing on what's important.  We're really excited about this new segment - and hope you are too!  Take it away Debbie.... 

 I hope you have had a productive week. No matter if you dug in and got your purse in order or tackled any room in your house you are still moving forward. Congratulations!!  It doesn't matter if you have done alot or just a small bit you are still ahead of where you were a few weeks ago. Keep up the good work!! 
Well, I decided I needed to finish decluttering my office/sewing room.  I am not sure who made that mess but if I catch them, lets just say they will be a few pounds lighter.  Where in the world did all that stuff come from? I will be honest, I am having a really hard time letting go of all the "stuff" in my sewing room. It's easy to get rid of clothes that not longer fit or shoes that are well past their prime. But to let go of fabric that you have picked out to make your daughter a special outfit, that's messing with some sweet memories.  Of course it never got finished due to the never ending time problem or she out grew the pattern by the time you finally got around to working on it. Most of my fabric was purchased with a "someday" project in mind.  At this point I will have to live until I am 300 yrs old to get all my "projects" finished. I also remember how much money is tied up in all that fabric. I feel like I am being wasteful or not valuing  the time and money I have invested in this stuff. But I feel like I am being selfish by keeping it when there are ladies that have the time and engergy to put all this fabric to good use. 
We have a wonderful group of ladies at our church that make quilts for children that the local police have to remove form their homes due to a varitey of reason. Because I know that a little life may be ministered to because I gave up my fabric collection, that makes this purgering much easier. I can't think of a better reason for cleaning that fabric closet. I promise before bedtime tomorrow it will be finished. 
It is always easier to give up what we hold on to for so long when we know others will be blessed. But I really think we are the ones that receive the biggest blessing--more space, less stuff to keep up with and no more unfinished projects hanging around. So my advice to you this week is find a way to bless others with your abundance. Don't continue to hang on to stuff that could be used by others. The space that is tied up with your collection could be used for so many different things- maybe it needs to  just be empty for awhile. Don't hold onto things that you may get to "someday".  I realized the things I enjoyed doing a few years ago are not the same things I enjoy doing now.  Let go of the past and move on to a cleaner future. Make room for new adventures. 
Sometimes I believe we can get so focused on our stuff and our plans for it all, that we miss where God wants to take us. We can't grow until we are willing to let go of the past and all that weighs us down. Freedom comes when we let go and let God lead. Let it go and bless someone this week.
Any questions or suggestions please e-mail them to

1 comment:

  1. Amen to that! Debbie - it must be the sunshine - I have been clearing out the sewing stuff this weekend. I have a TRUCKLOAD of fabric that will be gone by tomorrow, along with thread racks, trim, ribbon, a huge box of VHS movies, and several other things that I just decided "some day" is never going to come. I have all of these sewing supplies from my monogramming business that is now closed due to the horrible economy. That stuff just serves as a reminder that what I have been doing for 15 years is no longer. As sad as it makes me, it's time to move on.

    Thanks for the encouragement to keep on with the declutter. Once upon a time I was very good at keeping it all tidy, but the past couple of years have been very hard for my family - it's time to reclaim our home from the clutter monster!



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