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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Simplify Sundays: 2/7


Debbie McCuiston, self-proclaimed "Queen of Clutter-Free", does a segment for us each Sunday on simplifying our lives, getting rid of "clutter", and focusing on what's important.  We're really excited about this new segment - and hope you are too!  Take it away Debbie....

Well ladies I hope this finds you well.  Would love to hear some of the progress that you ladies are making. (Hint Hint!) Send some pics or leave a comment.
Today at our church we had  our 11th annual women's conference. The  theme for this special day was "Press on." As I sat and listened to our speaker I was amazed at how God's timing is perfect. We get in such a hurry to get where we need to go or hurry to see people we need to see. Our life seems to slip away in such a whirlwind and lots of drama.  It's not until we get thru the the latest problem or "bump in the road" that we take the time to see how far we have come. I think our challenge to declutter our lives is like this. When we start we can only see ALL there is to do, but we press on. As we dig thru the years of saving stuff and not being able to let go we finally get to the other side. We can see that if we had not  tackled the mountain one thing at a time, we would never have  pressed on to the prize before us.
There are so many things that need to be done, or at least started. It can be a very daunting  project. But we press on. Sometimes, the prize in the end, is to realize that we pressed on thru what we thought we could never do.
When we look at the whole house and all the stuff that needs to go- somewhere- we want to walk away just like we always have but if we put our heads down and only work on what is in front of us, before you know it that area is clean. Just by putting one foot in front of the other, focusing on the task at hand, we understand that we can do it. We can do it because  we have come to believe that we want and deserve a better life. A life that isn't filled with "I wish I had" or "I can't do that" or the famous "why bother". Pressing on takes on a whole new meaning in light of the fact that we no longer want to always take the easy way out. We are finally willing to fight for the dream of a clean and organized home. A home free of chaos, drama and tension. We dream of a home that we can be proud of, that friends will feel welcomed in and family can be cared for and loved. We must continue to press on and not give up. We must for the  sake of  our dreams. We will  realize how strong we are and how capable we are to finally complete a task no matter the amount of time it takes. Pressing on is realizing that the lessons  along the road are there  to help us acheive our dreams. When we complete even the smallest project  we need to take some time to reflect on the lessons that we learned along the way. Remember lessons we learned along the way are to be used to pave the road for future projects. Our lessons can become words of encouragement for those around us, ones that are trying like us to order their lives in such a way that they can live out their dreams. Don't waste this time! God has called us to be women that are willing to teach those around us. He never takes us thru something for just us. In time there will be someone that needs to hear the lessons we learned, the ups and downs, what worked for you and what didn't. Look around- notice the doors He is opening for us, to step thru and be an example of" Pressing ON". Make the desision to make each day count for something bigger than ourselves. If you think about it, being selfish is what got us in this mess. So decide to become a giver of our stuff, our time and our energy. Love yourself enough to share the dream of a true home. It's not all the stuff we own but the time we spend investing in the lives of our family an friends.  That is all that will remain when everything else is clean and the dust has settled. This is the time to step up, determine to make a difference in your life and choose to invest in those around you.
May God bless you as you declutter your life so you can hear His voice and then obey.

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