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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Time 2 Save, Time 2 Give Workshops

So you've never been to a workshop... you may already have the couponing thing down.  Why would you want to go to a workshop?  The first reason that comes to my head is - THEY'RE FUN!!!  We love bringing our stories of shopping, couponing, life and living to share with all of you - did I mention that the fun part is doing all these things with 5 kids ages 6 and under. Isn't life grand?!  Another reason for attending a workshop is to learn the latest on couponing, truly understanding the different ways coupons can be used together for more savings, getting on the right page for store policies...whoops! That was more than one reason.

Putting all that aside, we want you to come because we want to meet YOU.  You're the heart of what we do and why we do it.  We completely understand that no one wakes up and says "Yea! I can't wait to cut out some coupons today!"  If you do think that, please don't tell the rest of us :)  What we do say is how much we love hearing your story, seeing your triumph through struggles, being near to cry over your grief and rejoicing in your successes. 

Here are the class details, including our schedule.
            Here's how you can register as a new participant.
                            Here's how you can attend again for FREE!

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